Sheesh — this one just came right on time! In the midst of all of the chaos and turmoil in the world, JONATHAN STEWART felt compelled to bring forth some much needed bars addressing society’s current issues. Influenced by Dave Chappelle’s “8:46” Youtube special, Jonathan perfectly executed as he rips this soulful, yet gritty instrumental called “RATTATATTATTATTAT”.
Over the 9 minute record, Jonathan spits ether for a little under three minutes while Kimberly Jones spits nothing but FACTS for the remaining six minutes. He specifically described this record as something that “the people need” and it is, indeed.
The Billionaire Minds Build Brands front-man is out for blood these days and you can vividly see it through his tenacity on wax. Speaking with Jonathan yesterday (Jun 14), this is what he had to say in regards to moving forward:
“I killed a lot of niggas with the wear and tear fashion line eliminating all the jiggy talk from here on out! If you ain’t sayin shit then yeah……you dead from now on. From bar A to bar Z you’ll be judged. Niggas ain’t ready……”
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